Stargazing News - May 22nd, 2024
CJ@21:2/156 to
All on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 06:10:29
Wednesday May 22, 2024
Reiner Gamma Lunar Swirl (overnight)
The Reiner Gamma Lunar Swirl is a high-albedo feature located just inside
the western edge of Oceanus Procellarum, the large, dark mare region on the western limb of the moon. The swirl, which is best seen for several nights commencing with the full moon, is located due north of the dark crater
Grimaldi and due west of the bright, rayed crater Kepler. The 18 mile or 30
km diameter crater Reiner is located east-southeast of Reiner Gamma. The
swirl is composed of lunar basalt that has not been darkened by weathering, likely due to protection from cosmic rays by a strong localized magnetic
field! The swirl has one of the strongest magnetic anomalies on the moon. At high magnification, the complex shape can easily be discerned.
(Data courtesy of Starry Night)
--- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
* Origin: CJ's Place, Orange City FL > (21:2/156)