[DESERT] Rice Pudding
nestalert@21:1/172 to
All on Monday, July 18, 2022 13:49:26
This is a bread and butter recipe I have made for a long time. Nothing groundbreaking, but when you want some rice pudding, you get some rice
Your ingredients are:
*1/2 cup white medium grain rice
*3/2 cups water
*1/4 teaspoon salt
*4 cups of milk
*2 spoonfuls corn starch
*vanilla powder
*1/2 cup of sugar
Put your rice on a colander and rinse it out with some water. Put the water with the salt on high heat. When it starts boiling, throw in the rice, give
it a good stir, bring the heat down to low and put a lid on the pot, until
all the water is absorbed. (Remember, open the lid every now and then, stir
the rice, and let the bubbles that are building up fall down again.)
In the meantime, take 1/4 cup of the milk and mix it with the corn starch and the vanilla. (Two notes here: 1) You can use vanilla soy milk and skip adding more vanilla, or just use regular milk and vanilla. Up to you. 2) I like my pudding to be pretty tough, so I usually double the corn starch, but I've
been told it's and acquired taste. Again, up to you.)
Boil the rest of the milk and add it to the pot along with the sugar. (Make sure ALL the water is absorbed!) Stir, put the lid on, and cook on slow heat for about 20 minutes. Add in the milk-corn starch mix while stirring
constantly for about 5 to 8 minutes. Take it off the stove and serve it on about six cups or any liquid storage of your choosing. Wait for them to cool off a bit, stick them in the fridge for an hour or so, take them out,
sprinkle some cinnamon on top, and badda bing, badda boom, rice pudding.
This recipe has served me well. Let me know how it serves you!
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