• Se acuerdan de freenode?

    From Fabian Bonetti@21:4/114 to All on Wednesday, May 19, 2021 18:41:16
    La red freenode de irc.

    Bueno parece que murio.

    se pudrio freenode > https://gist.github.com/joepie91/df80d8d36cd9d1bde46ba018af497409/
    leean https://libera.chat

    Junin, Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Sysadmin Reisub Server

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Linux/32)
    * Origin: Reisub reisub.nsupdate.info/bbs (21:4/114)
  • From x1pepe@21:1/150 to Fabian Bonetti on Thursday, May 20, 2021 07:10:36
    Vaya! una pena.

    telnet sotanomsxbbs.org:23
    *The last Msx user in Ibiza*

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Sotano Msx BBS (21:1/150)