• Cannot Delete Private Messages

    From tonic@21:3/118 to All on Tuesday, August 25, 2020 19:58:18
    Hey All,

    Having a little glitch in the private messages area. The action @method:deleteSelected appears to not fire at all; In fact, at a (very cursory)

    glance, it appears this method isn't in the file, or any relevent files at all?

    Anyone suffer the same problem and have a fix?


    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.12-beta (linux; x64; 12.18.3)
    * Origin: PANOPTICON (21:3/118)
  • From pokeswithastick@21:2/159 to tonic on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 22:31:32
    On 25/08/2020 7:59 pm tonic said...
    Having a little glitch in the private messages area. The action @method:deleteSelected appears to not fire at all; In fact, at a (very cursory) glance, it appears this method isn't in the file, or any relevent files at all?

    Managed to delete a private message here.

    cat * | grep delete

    showed some configuration in "mybbs"-message_base.hjson:

    deleteMessageFromListPrompt: { ....

    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.12-beta (linux; arm; 12.18.3)
    * Origin: sbb systems ~ https://bbs.sbbsystems.com (21:2/159)
  • From NuSkooler@21:1/121 to tonic on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 17:16:14
    On Tuesday, August 25th tonic was heard saying...
    Having a little glitch in the private messages area. The action @method:deleteSelected appears to not fire at all; In fact, at a (very cursory) glance, it appears this method isn't in the file, or any relevent files at all?

    Is this same issue as the GitHub ticket? Missing %XY2? Make sure that's in your


    deleteSelected is part of the methods in msg_list.js

    Xibalba BBS @ xibalba.l33t.codes / 44510(telnet) 44511(ssh)
    ENiGMA 1/2 BBS WHQ | Phenom | 67 | iMPURE | ACiDic
    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.12-beta (linux; x64; 12.13.1)
    * Origin: Xibalba -+- xibalba.l33t.codes:44510 (21:1/121)