• DDMsgReader - Disable scrollbar in message reader view

    From Codefenix@VERT/CONCHAOS to Nightfox on Sunday, January 08, 2023 12:17:02
    Hi Nightfox,

    Not sure whether you noticed, but it seems whenever an ANSI message someone posted over a network goes all the way up to or past the 79th column, an extra blank line is added to the displayed message. See any of THEVIPER's messages in DOVE-Net Advertisements as examples.

    I wonder if it's because the ANSI is bumping up against the scrollbar, and whether disabling the scrollbar would "fix" the message display. The msglist.js lacks a scrollbar and displays all ANSI messages fine including the examples given.

    Is there a way to disable the scrollbar entirely in DDMsgReader? I didn't see an obvious way in the cfg file, but maybe I overlooked it.


    � Synchronet � -=[ ConstructiveChaos BBS | conchaos.synchro.net ]=-
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Codefenix on Monday, January 09, 2023 10:17:41
    Re: DDMsgReader - Disable scrollbar in message reader view
    By: Codefenix to Nightfox on Sun Jan 08 2023 12:17 pm

    Not sure whether you noticed, but it seems whenever an ANSI message someone posted over a network goes all the way up to or past the 79th column, an extra blank line is added to the displayed message. See any of THEVIPER's messages in DOVE-Net Advertisements as examples.

    Is there a way to disable the scrollbar entirely in DDMsgReader? I didn't see an obvious way in the cfg file, but maybe I overlooked it.

    Yes, actually, I made an update just recently to do that. It's a user setting (not in the .cfg file). While in the reader, you can press Ctrl-U for user settings, and there's now a toggle for whether to use the scrollbar. Without the scrollbar, it currently doesn't show how far you are through the message, but that's something I plan to add.

    I added that toggle for ANSI files, for the reason you mentioned. However, I noticed that even without the scrollbar, some ANSIs still don't look good. It seems it didn't didn't even help with ANSIs that are 80 columns. Without the scrollbar, I saw that some ANSIs have extra blank lines, etc.. So I'm thinking there may be something else needed to make 80-column ANSIs look good, and it would need some more investigation.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com